Celebrate Your Birthday with the Beach Tent Dining!

A special offer for those who want to celebrate a birthday at the beach at Palmeria – if you love the sound of the sea and the live music and dining outdoors – get a chance to have a tent outdoor celebration! If it’s your birthday, you’ll get the the package halfly discounted!

Step onto the warm shore of the Aegean Sea for a traditional tend dining and get a bit of exotic experience by tasting authentic Egyptian dishes, balanced with fresh and flavorful cuisine of Greece.


Continua a leggereCelebrate Your Birthday with the Beach Tent Dining!

Our Secret Island Boat Tour is Just for You

You’ve probably already seen our extra amenities and activities? There are a lot of them and you can enjoy any. But today we want to make a special accent on the Island boat tours.

Remember a book about Robinson Crusoe? You have a chance to experience a piece of his life on your own!


Continua a leggereOur Secret Island Boat Tour is Just for You